The Faerie's Curse
Second book of The Faerie's Fate trilogy, in the worldbuilding of Cenystel
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The Faerie's Curse
Sara Herreras Castel
The Faerie's Fate trilogy: 2
Ebook - soon
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The second book in the Faerie's Fate trilogy
After facing the goddess Lunalasathia's first trial and - along with her twin sister - successfully overcoming it, Abigail's life remains in peril. Dark secrets are only just beginning to come to light, lying in wait in the shadows, and Abigail doesn't know who she can trust. Her sister, Hannah, will prove to be both her greatest ally and her worst enemy.
The young Dragonfly's heart will be torn between love and duty. Surrounded by enemies and unable to conquer her deepest fears, Abigail must live with her anxieties.
He destiny as guardian of the forest will take her far from Adarathiel again, to learn and better herself in preparation for a war that will decide the very fate of the faerie kindgom of Cenystel. And her newest challenge will be her mother: the Morganian responsible for their family tragedy. She'll have to wade through a sea of thorns to find the truth and find herself.
A curse weighs on her soul. Every step is an arduous trial to be overcome. And the journey has only just begun.
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